Un caffè con Isabelle Ryckbost, sostenibilità e mondo portuale nell’Unione Europea

Un caffè con Isabelle Ryckbost, sostenibilità e mondo portuale nell’Unione Europea

To further discuss environmental issues and sustainability related to the sea, and in particular to ports in the European Union, we had a virtual coffee with the Secretary General of the European Sea Ports Organization, Isabelle Ryckbost. For the column, The Sea in a Coffee.

Per approfondire temi ambientali e relativi alla sostenibilità dei nostri mari, e in particolare dei porti nell’Unione Europea, abbiamo preso un caffè virtuale con la Segretaria Generale dell’Organizzazione Europea dei Porti Marittimi, Isabelle Ryckbost. Per la rubrica, Il Mare in un Caffè.

New Green Deal, Autostrade del Mare, Emissioni zero e nuove tecnologie, soltanto alcuni dei temi trattati con Isabelle Ryckbost nella nostra intervista.

New Green Deal, Motorways of the Sea, Zero Emissions and new technology, just a few of the issues discussed during our interview with Isabelle Ryckbost.

Europe’s ports aim at being a partner in delivering the Green Deal ambitions, and thus contribute to becoming the world’s first net zero emission are by 2050. This means for every port in Europe developing a pathway towards less emissions from its own operations, but also engaging with the different stakeholders in the port ecosystem to encourage them to deliver. Every port in Europe can be an environmental trendsetter, no matter its size or its region. Moreover, ports are not only part of the problem they are also part of the solution. By clustering activities, being a hub for clean energies they can  play an important role in the green transition of Europe’s economy.” stated Isabelle Ryckbost.

1 commento su “Un caffè con Isabelle Ryckbost, sostenibilità e mondo portuale nell’Unione Europea”

  • 1

    Good final statement “stronger ports for a stronger Europe!” Excellent interview, congrats!

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